Anglo Building Services LTD are very pleased to announce that we have received certificates of accreditation from Alcumus SafeContractor to help us become a safer and more ethical business.
Alcumus SafeContractor is the largest Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) provider to hold UKAS accreditation.
Please click on each certificate to view detail.
SafePQQ is an online platform which has been set up to provide a way of verifying commitment to best practice, cost effectively and quickly, for businesses and contractors. Built to include the common question sets defined within PAS91, SafePQQ collects and verifies information including financials, environmental management, quality management, equality, modern slavery, anti-bribery and GDPR.
Find out more:
If you would like to discuss how Anglo Building services can assist you in one of your projects, please don’t hesitate to call us on: